October 13
I know this is long, loooooong overdue, but yeah, hiatus to the max. It's been fun, really. And I love the characters a lot, I know for a fact that I'll be drawing them again. But at this moment in time, my interest for the comic has waned, and I'm appoaching my graduation from college (I should be finished after the spring semester). It's looking like I won't be able to get into the animation program (couldn't maintain a 3.0 for my art classes, mostly B's and two C's, but I don't know if jr. college courses count. If so I might have a chance). But I will at least be getting an art degree. Anyway, watch for art on my deviantart site, and know that I'm participating in the fan-animation Phoenix Wright Musical Project as a storyboard artist/animator.

March 9
The comic is coming this week, really.

Edit: Okay, it's not coming, sorry. And as a fair warning, it doesn't look good for next week either. Midterm stuff and all. But hey, I've already made more comics in half a semester than last semester in its entirety.

March 2
It's fun to make 4th wall breaking comics. The characters can interact with the viewers, and can take advantage of their comic environment.

February 23
I should just say "real comic comes every other week," the way I've been going lately. And it's not that it takes two weeks to make a comic, I'm just that lazy. Well at least I'm updating at all this week. And it wasn't that hard, I really should get into the habit of just putting up something like this if I'm not ready.

I'm not really that bad in a figure drawing class, the comic reflects what I was like a couple years ago. But I still don't draw the boobies in full detail.

I should also mention that I finally added Kirstie's fanart to the fanart page. Only a few months late. ^_^;

February 16
Doh, meant to update earlier today. Not that I wasn't already late but whatever. Eheheh, yeah, so we kinda revisit a joke that's probably like two years old by now. Dang, that's how long ago the last arc was? Well anyway, that arc ended without resolution and this is the follow-up to that. Let's hope the two make up by the end of this one.

Seriously, this plot was planned like RIGHT after that soccar arc, I was just THAT lazy to put it off until now.

January 26
Sorry about the size, but I wanted the text to be readable. How do you like that for a filler comic? Well I have more time to get started this time, so the arc will be back next week.

You won't get the joke at all if you haven't seen or heard of Parappa the Rapper. It's a game that's basically like Simon, in that you press the buttons after the teacher demonstrates, in order to make Parappa copy the action. But you're not restricted to the using the same rhythm, in fact it's encouraged that you deviate and make it something much more interesting to listen to. Here's one of my favorite videos of the game: linky

January 22
I've been late every week since the hiatus ended, but it seems like I'm consistantly late. Maybe I should just change my update day to Thursday.

I'm not tired of Population: Us, and I've got plenty ideas for future stories, but I'm not entirely motivated these days. Motivation to draw was part of the reason I made comics, and it's just not as fun when you're bored of it. For now I'm going to keep on working on PU, but I think if I ever come up with a good idea for a new comic, I'll stop doing this one. Let's face it, if I had two comics going, the quality would just go down on both. And the quality of this comic has already gone down since the beginning, despite me being a better artist. What I need is something fresh for me to come back to every week and be able to say "I can't wait to get started!"

January 20
Next comic in the arc is almost inked. But I gotta sleep. Sorry for the late updates, but I've been starting a little late on these.

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Site content © David H. 2005-2007
(with the exception of any references to video games, cartoons, or other media.)